Work in progress
Work in progress on demographic issues using EU-SILC:
Employment Impacts on Entry to Parenthood in Different Family-Policy Regimes. (M. Rendall)
Cross-country analysis of second births using EU-SILC data. (M. Klesment)
Job Instability and Fertility during the Economic Recession: EU Countries. (I. Giorgetti)
The later, the more? An analysis of the link between the timing and the intensity of births (A. Greulich, L. Toulemon)
Partners’ Educational Pairings and Fertility across Europe. (N Nitsche, A. MAtysiak, J. van Bavel, D. Vignoli)
Fatherhood premium in the comparative European perspective. (A. Matysiak)
Welfare regime patterns in the social class-fertility relationship: second births in France, Italy, Norway and United Kingdom (P. Baizan)
The importance of parental employment stability for fertility decisions– a multiple-imputation approach with European survey data” (A. Greulich, M. Rendall)
More Years, better Lives? Analyzing wellbeing and its interaction with demographic dynamics in Europe (A. Greulich, H. d’Albis, A. Clark)
The impact of child birth on subjective economic wellbeing in Europe (A. Greulich, Sonja Spitzer, Bernhard Hammer)